今月の特集 移植医療と臨床検査
1)Thorsby E:A short history of HLA. Tissue Antigens 74:101-116,2009
2)椎名隆:次世代シークエンシングに基づくHLAゲノム・遺伝子解析.MHC 22:84-94,2015
3)日本組織適合性学会HLA標準化委員会:日本組織適合性学会 推定アレル一覧表(2021年版)およびHLAタイピング結果のアレル表記法と結果報告の原則(2017年版)の改訂について.MHC 28:38-40,2021
4)入江厚,西村泰治:アロHLA抗原に対する拒絶反応の基礎免疫学.MHC 20:109-120,2013
5)Boudreau JE, Giglio F, Gooley TA, et al:KIR3DL1/HLA-B Subtypes Govern Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Relapse After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. J Clin Oncol 35:2268-2278,2017
6)Fuchinoue S, Ishii Y, Sawada T, et al:The 5-year outcome of ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation with rituximab induction. Transplantation 91:853-857,2011
7)Takagi T, Ishida H, Shirakawa H, et al:Evaluation of low-dose rituximab induction therapy in living related kidney transplantation. Transplantation 89:1466-1470,2010
8)Morishima Y, Kashiwase K, Matsuo K, et al:Biological significance of HLA locus matching in unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation. Blood 125:1189-1197,2015
9)Kanda Y, Kanda J, Atsuta Y, et al:Changes in the clinical impact of high-risk human leukocyte antigen allele mismatch combinations on the outcome of unrelated bone marrow transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 20:526-535,2014
11)田中秀則:臨床検査における抗ドナー抗体について.移植 51:429-437,2016
12)Wiebe C, Gibson IW, Blydt-Hansen TD, et al:Evolution and clinical pathologic correlations of de novo donor-specific HLA antibody post kidney transplant. Am J Transplant 12:1157-1167,2012
13)吉原哲:HLA抗体と生着不全.みんなに役立つ造血幹細胞移植の基礎と臨床 改訂3版(神田善伸編),医薬ジャーナル社,pp339-347,2016
14)田中秀則:HLA検査.小児内科 49(増刊):324-327,2017
15)Tambur AR, Claas FH:HLA epitopes as viewed by antibodies: what is it all about?. Am J Transplant 15:1148-1154,2015
16)Spierings E, Drabbels J, Hendriks M, et al:A uniform genomic minor histocompatibility antigen typing methodology and database designed to facilitate clinical applications. PLoS One 1:e42,2006