今月の特集 移植医療と臨床検査
1)Pironi L, Arends J, Baxter J, et al:ESPEN endorsed recommendations. Definition and classification of intestinal failure in adults. Clin Nutr 34:171-180,2015
2)仁尾正記:腸管不全.標準小児外科学 第7版(高松英夫,福澤正洋監,上野滋,仁尾正記,奥山宏臣編),医学書院,pp212-216,2017
3)Beath SV, Woodward JM:Intestinal failure-associated liver disease. In: Intestinal failure: Diagnosis, Management and Transplantation (Langnas AN, Goulet O, Quigley EMM, et al), Wiley Blackwell, UK, pp191-200, 2008
4)Btaiche IF, Khalidi N:Parenteral nutrition-associated liver complications in children. Pharmacotherapy 22:188-211,2002
5)工藤博典,石田和之,和田基,他:小腸不全,小腸移植症例の肝組織病理所見.小児外科 42:912-917,2010
6)Kelly DA:Intestinal failure-associated liver disease: what do we know today?. Gastroenterology 130(2 Suppl 1):S70-S77,2006
7)田中芳明,朝川貴博:TPNに伴う肝障害の病因・病態.医事新報 4442:80-83,2009
8)和田基,工藤博典,天江新太郎,他:IFALD(腸管不全合併肝障害)の病因と治療.静脈経腸栄養 27:1217-1222,2012
9)吉田英生,黒田浩明,松永正訓,他:短腸症候群患児に対する高カロリー輸液時の敗血症,肝障害の予防.小児外科 32:198-203,2000
10)Sudan D, DiBaise J, Torres C, et al:A multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of intestinal failure. J Gastrointest Surg 9:165-177,2005
11)Selvaggi G, Gyamfi A, Kato T, et al:Analysis of vascular access in intestinal transplant recipients using the Miami classification from the VIIIth International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium. Transplantation 79:1639-1643,2005
12)O'Keefe SJ:Candidacy for intestinal transplantation. Am J Gastroenterol 101:1644-1646,2006
13)Grant D, Abu-Elmagd K, Mazariegos G, et al:Intestinal transplant registry report: global activity and trends. Am J Transplant 15:210-219,2015
14)日本腸管リハビリテーション・小腸移植研究会:本邦小腸移植症例登録報告.移植 55:291-296,2020
15)東本恭幸:短腸症候群とシトルリン.外科と代謝・栄養 48:233-239,2014
16)Primeggia J, Matsumoto CS, Fishbein TM, et al:Infection among adult small bowel and multivisceral transplant recipients in the 30-day postoperative period. Transpl Infect Dis 15:441-448,2013
17)Nagai S, Mangus RS, Anderson E, et al:Cytomegalovirus Infection After Intestinal/Multivisceral Transplantation: A Single-Center Experience With 210 Cases. Transplantation 100:451-460,2016
18)上野豪久,福澤正洋:小腸移植の術後管理.小児外科 43:45-49,2011
19)Gross TG:Management of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease. In: Intestinal failure: diagnosis, management and transplantation (Langnas AN, Goulet O, Quigley EMM, et al), Wiley Blackwell, UK, pp342-348, 2008
20)Ziring D, Tran R, Edelstein S, et al:Infectious enteritis after intestinal transplantation: incidence, timing, and outcome. Transplantation 79:702-709,2005
21)Florescu DF, Sonderup JL, Grant W, et al:Clinical presentation and outcomes of norovirus infection in intestinal allograft compared to native intestine. Transpl Infect Dis 19:e12692,2017
22)Varkey J:Graft assessment for acute rejection after intestinal transplantation: current status and future perspective. Scand J Gastroenterol 56:13-19,2021
23)日本移植学会臓器移植抗体陽性診療ガイドライン策定委員会(編):抗体検査法.臓器移植抗体陽性診療ガイドライン 2018年版,メディカルレビュー社,pp7-18,2018
24)日本移植学会臓器移植抗体陽性診療ガイドライン策定委員会(編):抗体関連型拒絶反応(AMR) A.基準・定義 CQ5-2:preformed DSAとde novo DSAの区別はあるのか,臓器移植抗体陽性診療ガイドライン 2018年版,メディカルレビュー社,pp61-67,2018