今月の特集 薬剤耐性(AMR)対策の現状と今後
●わが国では医療施設での第三世代セファロスポリン耐性Escherichia coli,第三世代セファロスポリン耐性Klebsiella pneumoniae,フルオロキノロン耐性E. coliの分離率が増加傾向にある.
●わが国では医療施設での第三世代セファロスポリン耐性Escherichia coli,第三世代セファロスポリン耐性Klebsiella pneumoniae,フルオロキノロン耐性E. coliの分離率が増加傾向にある.
2)国立感染症研究所薬剤耐性研究センター:厚生労働省院内感染対策サーベイランス事業 検査部門 公開情報2019年年報(https://janis.mhlw.go.jp/report/kensa.html)(最終アクセス:2021年3月23日)
4)菅井基行:国内における薬剤耐性菌の現状.臨病理 68:899-906,2020
5)Kajihara T, Yahara K, Hirabayashi A, et al:Japan Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (JANIS): Current status, international collaboration, and future directions of a comprehensive antimicrobial resistance surveillance system. Jpn J Infect Dis, 2021, in press
6)Olesen B, Frimodt-Møller J, Leihof RF, et al:Temporal trends in antimicrobial resistance and virulence-associated traits within the Escherichia coli sequence type 131 clonal group and its H30 and H30-Rx subclones, 1968 to 2012. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 58:6886-6895,2014
7)国立感染症研究所:カルバペネム耐性腸内細菌科細菌(carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae,CRE)病原体サーベイランス,2018年.IASR 40:157-159,2019
8)Khan AU, Maryam L, Zarrilli R:Structure, Genetics and Worldwide Spread of New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase (NDM): a threat to public health. BMC Microbiol 17:101-113,2017
9)Wang Y, Tong MK, Chow KH, et al:Occurrence of Highly Conjugative IncX3 Epidemic Plasmid Carrying blaNDM in Enterobacteriaceae Isolates in Geographically Widespread Areas. Front Microbiol 9:2272,2018
10)van Hal SJ, Beukers AG, Timms VJ, et al:Relentless spread and adaptation of non-typeable vanA vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium: a genome-wide investigation. J Antimicrob Chemother 73:1487-1491,2018
11)Hammerum AM, Justesen US, Pinholt M, et al:Surveillance of vancomycin-resistant enterococci reveals shift in dominating clones and national spread of a vancomycin-variable vanA Enterococcus faecium ST1421-CT1134 clone, Denmark, 2015 to March 2019. Euro Surveill 24:1900503,2019
12)European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC):European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net)(https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/about-us/partnerships-and-networks/disease-and-laboratory-networks/ears-net)(最終アクセス:2021年3月23日)
13)Iwao Y, Ishii R, Tomita Y, et al:The emerging ST8 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clone in the community in Japan: associated infections, genetic diversity, and comparative genomics. J Infect Chemother 18:228-240,2012
14)Diep BA, Gill SR, Chang RF, et al:Complete genome sequence of USA300, an epidemic clone of community-acquired meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Lancet 367:731-739,2006
15)Takadama S, Nakaminami H, Sato A, et al:Dissemination of Panton-Valentine leukocidin-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 clone in multiple hospitals in Tokyo, Japan. Clin Microbiol Infect 24:1211. e1-1211. e7,2018
16)Takadama S, Nakaminami H, Aoki S, et al:Prevalence of skin infections caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidin-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Japan, particularly in Ishigaki, Okinawa. J Infect Chemother 23:800-803,2017