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今月の特集 薬剤耐性(AMR)対策の現状と今後


著者: 村木優一1

所属機関: 1京都薬科大学臨床薬剤疫学分野

ページ範囲:P.536 - P.540







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15)Ishii S, Muraki Y, Kusama Y, et al:The Trend for Antibiotic Use for Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile Infection in Japan. Biol Pharm Bull 43:693-696,2020
16)Kawabe A, Muraki Y, Inose R, et al:Trends of Antifungal Use Based on Sales Data in Japan from 2006 to 2015. Biol Pharm Bull 43:1248-1252,2020
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