今月の特集 食中毒の現状と微生物検査
●国内のアニサキス食中毒はAnisakis simplex sensu strictoが主な原因である.
●国内のアニサキス食中毒はAnisakis simplex sensu strictoが主な原因である.
1)Murata R, Suzuki J, Sadamasu K, et al:Morphological and molecular characterization of Anisakis larvae (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in Beryx splendens from Japanese waters. Parasitol Int 60:193-198,2011
2)鈴木淳,村田理恵:わが国におけるアニサキス症とアニサキス属幼線虫.東京健康安全研セ年報 62:13-24,2011
3)Zhu X, Gasser RB, Podolska M, et al:Characterisation of anisakid nematodes with zoonotic potential by nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences. Int J Parasitol 28:1911-1921,1998
4)Abollo E, Paggi L, Pascual S, et al:Occurrence of recombinant genotypes of Anisakis simplex s.s. and Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in an area of sympatry. Infect Genet Evol 3:175-181,2003
5)Nadler SA, Hudspeth DS:Phylogeny of the Ascaridoidea (Nematoda: Ascaridida) based on three genes and morphology: hypotheses of structural and sequence evolution. J Parasitol 86:380-393,2000
6)Suzuki J, Murata R, Hosaka M, et al:Risk factors for human Anisakis infection and association between the geographic origins of Scomber japonicus and anisakid nematodes. Int J Food Microbiol 137:88-93,2010
8)杉山広,森嶋康之,大前比呂思,他:アニサキスによる食中毒:届出に関わる法改正とレセプトデータに基づく患者数の推計.Clin Parasitol 24:44-46,2013
9)Murata R, Suzuki J, Kodo Y, et al:Probable association between Anisakis infection in the muscle of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and human anisakiasis in Tokyo, Japan. Int J Food Microbiol 337:108930,2021
10)Umehara A, Kawakami Y, Araki J, et al:Molecular identification of the etiological agent of the human anisakiasis in Japan. Parasitol Int 56:211-215,2007
11)唐澤洋一,唐澤学洋,神谷和則,他:最近の消化管アニサキス症について 第2回全国集計報告.医事新報 4386:68-74,2008
12)鈴木淳:対策が注目されている食中毒の背景と現状 アニサキスによる食中毒とその原因食品.日食微生物会誌 37:122-125,2020