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今月の特集 クローン性造血に関する知見と課題


著者: 松田晃1

所属機関: 1埼玉医科大学国際医療センター造血器腫瘍科

ページ範囲:P.1386 - P.1390








1)Jacobs KB, Yeager M, Zhou W, et al:Detectable clonal mosaicism and its relationship to aging and cancer. Nat Genet 44:651-658,2012
2)Laurie CC, Laurie CA, Rice K, et al:Detectable clonal mosaicism from birth to old age and its relationship to cancer. Nat Genet 44:642-650,2012
3)Jaiswal S, Fontanillas P, Flannick J, et al:Age-related clonal hematopoiesis associated with adverse outcomes. N Engl J Med 371:2488-2498,2014
4)Genovese G, Kähler AK, Handsaker RE, et al:Clonal hematopoiesis and blood-cancer risk inferred from blood DNA sequence. N Engl J Med 371:2477-2487,2014
5)Steensma DP, Bejar R, Jaiswal S, et al:Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential and its distinction from myelodysplastic syndromes. Blood 126:9-16,2015
6)Steensma DP:New challenges in evaluating anemia in older persons in the era of molecular testing. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2016:67-73,2016
7)Yoshizato T, Dumitriu B, Hosokawa K, et al:Somatic Mutations and Clonal Hematopoiesis in Aplastic Anemia. N Engl J Med 373:35-47,2015
8)Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL, et al:WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, 4th ed, Revised ed, IARC Press, Lyon, 2017
9)DeZern AE, Malcovati L, Ebert BL:CHIP, CCUS, and Other Acronyms: Definition, Implications, and Impact on Practice. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book 39:400-410,2019
10)Valent P, Orazi A, Steensma DP, et al:Proposed minimal diagnostic criteria for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and potential pre-MDS conditions. Oncotarget 8:73483-73500,2017
11)Welch JS, Ley TJ, Link DC, et al:The origin and evolution of mutations in acute myeloid leukemia. Cell 150:264-278,2012
12)Papaemmanuil E, Gerstung M, Malcovati L, et al:Clinical and biological implications of driver mutations in myelodysplastic syndromes. Blood 122:3616-3627,2013
13)Kwok B, Hall JM, Witte JS, et al:MDS-associated somatic mutations and clonal hematopoiesis are common in idiopathic cytopenias of undetermined significance. Blood 126:2355-2361,2015
14)Jaiswal S, Natarajan P, Silver AJ, et al:Clonal Hematopoiesis and Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. N Engl J Med 377:111-121,2017
15)Karner K, George TI, Patel JL:Current Aspects of Clonal Hematopoiesis: Implications for Clinical Diagnosis. Ann Lab Med 39:509-514,2019
16)Osman AEWG:When are idiopathic and clonal cytopenias of unknown significance (ICUS or CCUS)? Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2021:399-404,2021
17)Malcovati L, Gallì A, Travaglino E, et al:Clinical significance of somatic mutation in unexplained blood cytopenia. Blood 129:3371-3378,2017
18)Gondek LP, DeZern AE:Assessing clonal haematopoiesis: clinical burdens and benefits of diagnosing myelodysplastic syndrome precursor states. Lancet Haematol 7:e73-e81,2020
19)Bolton KL, Ptashkin RN, Gao T, et al:Cancer therapy shapes the fitness landscape of clonal hematopoiesis. Nat Genet 52:1219-1226,2020





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