今月の特集 クローン性造血に関する知見と課題
1)Lee-Six H, Øbro NF, Shepherd MS, et al:Population dynamics of normal human blood inferred from somatic mutations. Nature 561:473-478,2018
2)Caiado F, Pietras EM, Manz MG:Inflammation as a regulator of hematopoietic stem cell function in disease, aging, and clonal selection. J Exp Med 218:e20201541,2021
3)Chavakis T, Mitroulis I, Hajishengallis G:Hematopoietic progenitor cells as integrative hubs for adaptation to and fine-tuning of inflammation. Nat Immunol 20:802-811,2019
4)Bruns I, Lucas D, Pinho S, et al:Megakaryocytes regulate hematopoietic stem cell quiescence through CXCL4 secretion. Nat Med 20:1315-1320,2014
5)Takizawa H, Regoes RR, Boddupalli CS, et al:Dynamic variation in cycling of hematopoietic stem cells in steady state and inflammation. J Exp Med 208:273-284,2011
6)Yamamoto R, Wilkinson AC, Nakauchi H:Changing concepts in hematopoietic stem cells. Science 362:895-896,2018
7)Laurenti E, Göttgens B:From haematopoietic stem cells to complex differentiation landscapes. Nature 553:418-426,2018
8)Velten L, Haas SF, Raffel S, et al:Human haematopoietic stem cell lineage commitment is a continuous process. Nat Cell Biol 19:271-281,2017
9)Takizawa H, Boettcher S, Manz MG:Demand-adapted regulation of early hematopoiesis in infection and inflammation. Blood 119:2991-3002,2012
10)Duan T, Du Y, Xing C, et al:Toll-Like Receptor Signaling and Its Role in Cell-Mediated Immunity. Front Immunol 13:812774,2022
11)Fanucchi S, Domínguez-Andrés J, Joosten LAB, et al:The Intersection of Epigenetics and Metabolism in Trained Immunity. Immunity 54:32-43,2021
12)Mitroulis I, Ruppova K, Wang B, et al:Modulation of Myelopoiesis Progenitors Is an Integral Component of Trained Immunity. Cell 172:147-161,2018
13)Takizawa H, Fritsch K, Kovtonyuk LV, et al:Pathogen-Induced TLR4-TRIF Innate Immune Signaling in Hematopoietic Stem Cells Promotes Proliferation but Reduces Competitive Fitness. Cell Stem Cell 21:225-240,2017
14)Nahrendorf M:Myeloid cell contributions to cardiovascular health and disease. Nat Med 24:711-720,2018
15)Nagareddy PR, Murphy AJ, Stirzaker RA, et al:Hyperglycemia promotes myelopoiesis and impairs the resolution of atherosclerosis. Cell Metab 17:695-708,2013
16)Nagareddy PR, Kraakman M, Masters SL, et al:Adipose tissue macrophages promote myelopoiesis and monocytosis in obesity. Cell Metab 19:821-835,2014
17)Rozhok AI, Salstrom JL, DeGregori J:Stochastic modeling indicates that aging and somatic evolution in the hematopoetic system are driven by non-cell-autonomous processes. Aging (Albany NY) 6:1033-1048,2014
18)Hormaechea-Agulla D, Matatall KA, Le DT, et al:Chronic infection drives Dnmt3a-loss-of-function clonal hematopoiesis via IFNγ signaling. Cell Stem Cell 28:1428-1442,2021
19)Abegunde SO, Buckstein R, Wells RA, et al:An inflammatory environment containing TNFα favors Tet2-mutant clonal hematopoiesis. Exp Hematol 59:60-65,2018
20)Meisel M, Hinterleitner R, Pacis A, et al:Microbial signals drive pre-leukaemic myeloproliferation in a Tet2-deficient host. Nature 557:580-584,2018
21)Cai Z, Kotzin JJ, Ramdas B, et al:Inhibition of Inflammatory Signaling in Tet2 Mutant Preleukemic Cells Mitigates Stress-Induced Abnormalities and Clonal Hematopoiesis. Cell Stem Cell 23:833-849,2018
22)Sezaki M, Hayashi Y, Nakato G, et al:Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells integrate microbial signals to promote gut tissue repair.EMBO J, in press