今月の特集2 医療従事者のためのワクチン接種アップデート
1)U.S. Public Health Service:Updated U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occupational Exposures to HBV, HCV, and HIV and Recommendations for Postexposure Prophylaxis. MMWR Recomm Rep 50:1-52,2001
2)Ito K, Yotsuyanagi H, Yatsuhashi H, et al:Risk factors for long-term persistence of serum hepatitis B surface antigen following acute hepatitis B virus infection in Japanese adults. Hepatology 59:89-97,2014
3)Shepard CW, Simard EP, Finelli L, et al:Hepatitis B virus infection: epidemiology and vaccination. Epidemiol Rev 28:112-125,2006
5)Krawczyk A, Ludwig C, Jochum C, et al:Induction of a robust T- and B-cell immune response in non- and low-responders to conventional vaccination against hepatitis B by using a third generation PreS/S vaccine. Vaccine 32:5077-5082,2014
6)Nagashima S, Yamamoto C, Ko K, et al:Acquisition rate of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen among medical and dental students in Japan after three-dose hepatitis B vaccination. Vaccine 37:145-151,2019
7)Averhoff F, Mahoney F, Coleman P, et al:Immunogenicity of hepatitis B Vaccines. Implications for persons at occupational risk of hepatitis B virus infection. Am J Prev Med 15:1-8,1998
8)Walayat S, Ahmed Z, Martin D, et al:Recent advances in vaccination of non-responders to standard dose hepatitis B virus vaccine. World J Hepatol 7:2503-2509,2015
9)Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):Healthcare Professionals/Providers Home/Administer the Vaccine(s)(https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/admin/administer-vaccines.html#administration-routes)(最終アクセス:2022年5月24日)
10)Ogawa M, Akine D, Sasahara T:Comparison of hepatitis B vaccine efficacy in Japanese students: a retrospective study. Environ Health Prev Med 24:80,2019
11)Clemens R, Sänger R, Kruppenbacher J, et al:Booster immunization of low- and non-responders after a standard three dose hepatitis B vaccine schedule--results of a post-marketing surveillance. Vaccine 15:349-352,1997
12)Leuridan E, Van Damme P:Hepatitis B and the need for a booster dose. Clin Infect Dis 53:68-75,2011
13)Schillie S, Vellozzi C, Reingold A, et al:Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. MMWR Recomm Rep 67:1-31,2018
14)日本環境感染学会ワクチン委員会:医療関係者のためのワクチンガイドライン 第3版.日環境感染会誌 35(Suppl. Ⅱ):S1-S32,2020(http://www.kankyokansen.org/uploads/uploads/files/jsipc/vaccine-guideline_03(3).pdf)(最終アクセス:2022年4月8日)