今月の特集2 免疫学的機序による血小板減少
1)Hod E, Schwartz J:Platelet transfusion refractoriness. Br J Haematol 142:348-360,2008
and its applications for solid organ transplantation, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and transfusion. Transfus Med Hemother 40:182-189,2013
3)Sullivan HC, Liwski RS, Bray RA, et al:The Road to HLA Antibody Evaluation: Do Not Rely on MFI. Am J Transplant 17:1455-1461,2017
4)Schnaidt M, Weinstock C, Jurisic M, et al:HLA antibody specification using single-antigen beads--a technical solution for the prozone effect. Transplantation 92:510-515,2011
5)Morales-Buenrostro LE, Terasaki PI, Marino-Vázquez LA, et al:“Natural” human leukocyte antigen antibodies found in nonalloimmunized healthy males. Transplantation 86:1111-1115,2008
6)Jackman RP, Deng X, Bolgiano D, et al:Low-level HLA antibodies do not predict platelet transfusion failure in TRAP study participants. Blood 121:3261-3299,2013
7)Fontaine MJ, Kuo J, Chen G, et al:Complement (C1q) fixing solid-phase screening for HLA antibodies increases the availability of compatible platelet components for refractory patients. Transfusion 51:2611-2618,2011
8)藤原孝記,李悦子,石田明,他:HLA適合血小板の使用ガイド.日輸血細胞治療会誌 67:573-588,2021
(HPA-2b)抗原の臨床的意義.「Medical Technology」別冊 血小板/顆粒球 抗原・抗体検査標準マニュアル(髙橋孝喜,十字猛夫,柴田洋一,他監),医歯薬出版,pp102-105,2009
10)冨山佳昭:抗血小板抗体の検出とその臨床的意義.日輸血細胞治療会誌 64:681-687,2018