今月の特集2 神経・筋疾患の超音波検査
1)Pillen S, Arts IM, Zwarts MJ:Muscle ultrasound in neuromuscular disorders. Muscle Nerve 37:679-693,2008
2)Abe T, Kawakami Y, Suzuki Y, et al:Effects of 20 days bed rest on muscle morphology. J Gravit Physiol 4:S10-S14,1997
3)Miyatani M, Kanehisa H, Ito M, et al:The accuracy of volume estimates using ultrasound muscle thickness measurements in different muscle groups. Eur J Appl Physiol 91:264-272,2004
4)千野謙太郎,高橋英幸,若原卓,他:Bモード超音波法を用いた2つの筋厚測定方法の比較.Japanese Journal of Elite Sports Support 3:29-42,2010
5)Heckmatt JZ, Dubowitz V, Leeman S:Detection of pathological change in dystrophic muscle with B-scan ultrasound imaging. Lancet 1:1389-1390,1980
6)Sogawa K, Nodera H, Takamatsu N, et al:Neurogenic and Myogenic Diseases: Quantitative Texture Analysis of Muscle US Data for Differentiation. Radiology 283:492-498,2017
7)Nodera H, Sogawa K, Takamatsu N, et al:Texture analysis of sonographic muscle images can distinguish myopathic conditions. J Med Invest 66:237-247,2019
8)Wu JS, Darras BT, Rutkove SB:Assessing spinal muscular atrophy with quantitative ultrasound. Neurology 75:526-531,2010
9)Misawa S, Noto Y, Shibuya K, et al:Ultrasonographic detection of fasciculations markedly increases diagnostic sensitivity of ALS. Neurology 77:1532-1537,2011
10)Meng C, Adler R, Peterson M, et al:Combined use of power Doppler and gray-scale sonography: a new technique for the assessment of inflammatory myopathy. J Rheumatol 28:1271-1282,2001
11)Yoshida K, Nishioka M, Matsushima S, et al:Power Doppler Ultrasonography for Detection of Increased Vascularity in the Fascia. Arthritis Rheumatol 68:2986-2991,2016
12)Takamatsu N, Sogawa K, Nodera H, et al:Preferential changes of skeletal muscle echogenicity in myotonic dystrophy type 1. Eur J Neurol 24:366-373,2017
13)Noto Y, Shiga K, Tsuji Y, et al:Contrasting echogenicity in flexor digitorum profundus-flexor carpi ulnaris: a diagnostic ultrasound pattern in sporadic inclusion body myositis. Muscle Nerve 49:745-748,2014
14)Nodera H, Takamatsu N, Matsui N, et al:Intramuscular dissociation of echogenicity in the triceps surae characterizes sporadic inclusion body myositis. Eur J Neurol 23:588-596,2016
15)高松直子,寺澤由佳,酒井和香,他:筋超音波所見を契機として確定診断できたサルコイドーシスの1例.Neurosonology 25:13-16,2012
16)Yoshida T, Kumon Y, Takamatsu N, et al:Ultrasound assessment of sarcopenia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Mod Rheumatol 32:728-735,2022