今月の特集 免疫・アレルギー性肺疾患と検査
1)松井祥子:IgG4関連疾患の肺病変.日胸臨 67:378-386,2008
2)Yamada K, Yamamoto M, Saeki T, et al:New clues to the nature of immunoglobulin G4-related disease: a retrospective Japanese multicenter study of baseline clinical features of 334 cases. Arthritis Res Ther 19:262,2017
3)Hamano H, Kawa S, Horiuchi A, et al:High serum IgG4 concentrations in patients with sclerosing pancreatitis. N Engl J Med 344:732-738,2001
4)川茂幸,浜野英明,越知泰英,他:自己免疫性膵炎とIgG4.日消誌 102:296-302,2005
5)菅野光俊,上原剛,石嶺南生,他:電気泳動検査が発見の端緒となった自己免疫性膵炎の診断基準.電気泳動 59:35-38,2015
6)松井祥子,山本洋,源誠二郎,他:IgG4関連呼吸器疾患の診断基準.日呼吸会誌 4:129-132,2015
7)松井祥子,山本洋,源誠二郎,他:IgG4-関連呼吸器疾患の治療と予後に関する研究.厚生労働科学研究委託費(難治性疾患実用化研究事業) IgG4関連疾患の病因病態解明と新規治療法確立に関する研究 平成26年度 委託業務成果報告書,厚生労働省,pp44-46,2015
8)梅原久範,岡崎和一,川茂幸,他:2020年改訂IgG4関連疾患包括診断基準 The 2020 revised Comprehensive Diagnostic (RCD) Criteria for IgG4-RD.日内会誌 110:962-969,2021
9)半田知宏,松井祥子,山本洋,他:2022年改訂 IgG4関連呼吸器疾患診断基準.日呼吸会誌 12:109-113,2023
10)Shiokawa M, Kodama Y, Yoshimura K, et al:Risk of cancer in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 108:610-617,2013
11)Terasaki Y, Ikushima S, Matsui S, et al:Comparison of clinical and pathological features of lung lesions of systemic IgG4-related disease and idiopathic multicentric Castleman's disease. Histopathology 70:1114-1124,2017
12)Aalberse RC, Stapel SO, Schuurman J, et al:Immunoglobulin G4: an odd antibody. Clin Exp Allergy 39:469-477,2009
13)Sanders S, Fu X, Zhang Y, et al:Lifetime Allergy Symptoms in IgG4-Related Disease: A Case-Control Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 74:1188-1195,2022
14)Niwamoto T, Handa T, Matsui S, et al:Phenotyping of IgG4-related diseases based on affected organ pattern: A multicenter cohort study using cluster analysis. Mod Rheumatol 31:235-240,2021
15)Zen Y, Fujii T, Harada K, et al:Th2 and regulatory immune reactions are increased in immunoglobin G4-related sclerosing pancreatitis and cholangitis. Hepatology 45:1538-1546,2007
16)Yamamoto H, Yasuo M, Komatsu M, et al:Comparison of the chemokine profiles in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid between IgG4-related respiratory disease and sarcoidosis: CC-chemokine ligand 1 might be involved in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis. Cytokine 120:125-129,2019
17)Konno S, Matsuno Y, Ichimiya S, et al:Retroperitoneal Fibrosis Diagnosed as IgG4-related Disease after 35 Years. Intern Med 58:609-613,2019
18)小熊豊,西村正治,阿部庄作,他:Dihydroergotamine治療に続発した後腹膜線維症の1例,部分尿崩症の合併と陽性Gaシンチグラフィーについて.日内会誌 73:864-870,1984